Friday, July 26, 2024

MESSAGE TO Norman Foster, believed to have departed Alberta after exhausting search effort still ongoing

 July 2024

Allo. In lieu of recognizable attendance due prior contact and acquaintance encounter meant connection to trust to effective action still early pending, and yet that present actions by more than one architecture offices working for the city where I am stalled in terms of private and business mobility, due forementioned, this short note is meant to be transferred to architect founder or architect administrator in charge for review. 

Concerning the item addressed in the previous line of dialog, to which a response in acknowlegment and expression of willingness to duty pertaining to position in architecture, here another, in regards a more pressing item, given that corresponding parties as to the level of excellence to this circle of architects to whom you have been the eldest in this generation, here a lead into a possible approach to strategy. Then hereby provided for your consideration: matters at hand being more urgent as per observations made and further in Toronto in year 2021, a clue for a beginning, any beginning, in additional to what already by more than two decades work suddenly reaching emission to high ranking politicians to public office short verbal proposal and to all relevant design delivered via world wide

Ann Lee (2/3) wide web, now per what noted before and then what requires likely soon… concerning the affair which you expressed failure to however last year showed interest insofar as contributions were possible from simple propositions given though yet extrapolated into design, such that fair compensation and more were possible in a future we do will into tomorrows - no official receipt you do have to send so further work possible. Work to records official must still require further before expression from architect and office, true? To the second, a design for taxonomic systemization for a new type of catalog yet invented for the negotiation between stakeholders including this company from which your firm did incubate and extend into the world further without our receiving records but despite - in any case such work is required as well. I do understand your duress at times is such: as you know, i joined a Swiss search and rescue team to seek you better then had heard you were located. In any case, as we all reach for recovery, to these businesses at hand, I am to understand that various have been out of sorts; I nevertheless send this such courtesy only; per that the differences between us too large, or that in what circumstances

Ann Lee yet known each to each, so to open call or to my studio as continuance pursued without break since prior 1990 as you must become aware of this proven fact - so here close this letter from an architect to another, in hopes no further breaches escaping notice by courts for even every airport with its protocols and as many as I guard this here city too my second home so all values saved in architecture and in lives… this from one who just as fluent as you as architect, a letter out of respect for the senior architect who dwells and works and moreover in what secret knowledge despite years over a century lasting. 



<RECEIPIENT to this message: architect whose firm earlier started in the city hoped for to endure however circumstances, in South East Asia, known name is Norman Foster. SENDER of this message Ann with pseudonym ati designed for publishing to intrnetworking channels DATETIME July 26 2024 1545 MT AB>

ACK Msg from Executives, dated recent two months. RE autonomy of instances to major corporate commercial bodies

 July 26(27), 2024 MT AB

Care-of: Executive, Apple, Silicon Valley

Allo This is Ann The previous classifieds datum RE what about autonomy of companies earlier from and subsidiary-or(-which-term-to-) major corporations registered first in America as related with the unrelated commercial transectional activity called “outsourcing” RECV’d [in less than 100 words exposition containing in msg containing less than 20 words (1)] LIABILITIES-ACCRUED non address to date apparent fraud on MBNA credit card {to access of appropriate credit line with instance of card, where suspicions exist as to whether mail as usual was lost in transit} PRELIMARY-RESPONSE given how generic descriptors such as “new complexities in geopolitical global conditions” begin to suggest whether and how to reach agreement on what conditions intelligent surveys do yield, the current decade should near “existent social conditions to a specific region” to “here proven innovative and over at least a decade promoted such as principles behind the successful products and services selected for adaptation in the region’s containing class or category, by our company” This message is authored by Ann, and sponsored by Business For Freedom (BFF)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

leak02: matters de le coeur nearly sunk, left from there whom not here, ungrateful, why dream carried in hope for new friend presented

Aware prior from vicinity now heard whose representative did present both endorsement to a public perception an hour or a day, gratitude for summary of comments moreover how seek letter even many compiled… enquiry to send how restore countering illegal publishing issues from Privacy -

202407171747, Gates, official correspondences, of.   towards  of the Able. moving away from technological application instantiated, database, echoing notion given of “Idea”? -contemporarily we’re known where an issue  how tomorrow throughway deeper linkages and denominating grounds and moreover what thought pressing from pandemic - disclosure probabilities for  as such ought founded, by this orderly massive support, in a democracy beyond this land mass. 

Above is God) and starlight that guides the moments to present, currency, of us here our tending Jovian aspirations this upon the being carried by more than beauty to the grain, material (substance, of) world on earth our business lies in Commerce let? Great companies starting by only one, then only two, and three, more five - had why but how request mend past overarching past was said broke nothing or something no aggressor there, not true was give and content free, no legal pro bono offered but simply took, as a man from a girl cold to sell candles or matches in freezing rain to light with awesome leadership their kind failed then here very broken their type’s been seen, so granted by means multiple for interest be vested, what requisite economy but years of minutes to hours unseen, the labor of how and why presented as presumed, due early business however urgency and health ask in decency the support but none came with notice confirmed and no apology offered undercover so lies then years ago now and let sunk:: Space be Dream and Arte be Stellar Light, left already regrets for narc pugitive passive nor aggressive but no gratitude sole - my spaceship following Enterprise tomorrow rise, solutions posit for care raised built, and in bit souveni unborn child recall, return here only I if willed by Whom - who remembers and who deceived history could tell, for now no pain I say the lamer sardonia held upon merely betrayal of those repeat offend, no comedy but tragedy some kinds tend, so less or more music but only I. 

[linked in custom newsfeed posted from Bill Gates or by of Foundation, re interest cast in contributions represented to how echo and in discovery fair to new founded intrigue what polity is to executive; theological wondering, and less what concerns {to health, for not countered many memes of late the query to the foreign, former mine, nearly if fact insurmountable some statement upon all possible but one only asserted (but where on what pseudoauthority) } — and then words of ‘kindness’ for ‘trust’ what of faith and insurance (heard here); finally (ty shorthandwritten == thank you >> Problematic to be considered a new one (the second, still at pre printout the earlier, first problematic ] - Warren did    contributions   , the amount as $43b what of sum to describe, to the Foundation signed legally in french (perhaps later the post be recovered, a backdoortype input of “refresh” despite durability and preceding security to device be regarded - none recall so well what of current works that imply situation relational previous to insurance, so These Here Parts today. “Great Seeing Ya!” AND “*happiness (across LRT platform en route for a cafe on a campus only)” in American dialect, what missed most the missed appointment hope tomorrow know what preparations merely delayed .

Wednesday, July 10, 2024



 ossib. local expat. understood. Your current circumstances as apparent upon your ongoing details awaiting architect who contacted you finally this recent week, perhaps such wer- jovialities and frivocities, these less than obvious after the fact. Where risks known to be undetermined later not here where no supervisory had proven sufficient, you now have confided in me that earlier a statement was almost reacting to a man whose identity had come under multiple persons of diverse backgrounds, who are still not ready to discover the soundness of the statement made in the casual channel, “the other fifty percent should not be let go by the central government. You now let me know that such in your mind really pertaining to generational populaces.”


-found on Ann’s iPhone 

Monday, July 8, 2024

 [redacted but re dialog occurred recently with Astronauts of Apollo who did the impossible impossible even in the “fatter” times of the 1950’s and following decades] notes on what sought to Uncle Sam’s Studio

[account personal regarding decades of work at home and abroad concerning the relation between proposed utility and actual over term utility of traditional scales, that weigh in metric values the balance between mass and gravitational pull countered or other-wise, for determining how rights to voyage in flight for instance specific at airports for each individual, and subsequent non subscription by personal observations by many even pilots, to what later understood to be of much importance for the American efforts for presidency over the nation-state of the United States of America, ie. “I am the President The United States of America” on many planes {apparently, 2024 summer in July in. Canada} - visiting many places and peoples [in diplomacy ?]; (while Mr Armstrong, default in charge president likely due long and established history of family and associates and assumed learning and proven works, also visited possibly even at times with formerly mentioned space pilot also, did comparable work thought by many as equally if not significantly important due attention to culture American as welll distinct and other, hoped by this author to also situate in diplomacy field of work that safeguards not only American interest for state and nation and too all other places and peoples beyond our own, to this celestial sphere where we are on the surface of, for peace and for Humanity, this place inside the enormity of what beyond this planet loosely called Outer Space in America. ]

<to half-joking (ie, rel. to “wit”) request for any contribution in slogan or any verbal expression in writing, for transcription in video or audio, to the little known project [first legal document to lay out premises still in writing by this author, this writing whose first draftcopy is nowhere even close to complete {continue to request replacement of this textcopy post random action in modification with nonsensical purposes to that no alteration should be let upon legal basis related to current issue called “intellectual property”} where “in some far far far future in the near near near land of the United States of America, all Americans can come home to the American Dream”, care-of Uncle Sam’s Studio, which now with many efforts still requiring collecting and legal review for promotion of many national agenda including communication requested by the People in the years of term by Mr President Trump beginning in year 2016 and closing in year 2020 and other items such as national morale and future discovery, as well as continuance for manned mission s to Outer Space, the title of this legal document “Petition to Return Home to the United States of America”, which includes the thought for peace and cooperative action allowing communication of findings of Americans at termed residence and at business of all sorts overseas to organized perception and understanding in the US of A:

Ha!!!      .?Aldrin DATETIMEofEntry202407081443 (slogan, firstdraftcopy)






-“c’est mon crime, crème eece, crime ice, crème glace, glass glass glass… creme crime crème bla bla bla ci ci si ca ca ca — crazy thought is random talk”

-“I must telephoner nobody does that even make sense

To Piotr, pls read to him with alternating Letter if immediately available from Papa - possible? Hope and Faith shall reign and stand to ends of the world

  202408191647 MT AB. To Piotr. Where confusion elsewhere what question what answer yet available years ago now in a summary pointed was del...