re: hassle re must be countered
insofar as that disclosure of points from functional status to larger systems were to be considered, should that a reasonable delay be negotiated for actuality as must be brought immediately to the table, the present opportunity to lead over operations which are still behind schedule to reach plan related to sustainability of business over acceptable term, this should reach exposition for secured circulation by experts capable and trained with demonstrated experience for generative analysis that projects not only an objective account, but the best possible account that has intrinsic to its succinct exposition the objective which must have been determined at least in part prior the repetition of analysis or other strenuous work.
The public continues to maintain its nonparticipation as elected to discover what consensus is to be expected. However, insofar as requirements or criteria that should make possible intelligent review simultaneous with the pending explicit writing of objectives should nevertheless take place for overt and positive contribution to solution.
It is my hope that the expositional notes provided yesterday could lead to a consorted effort by those in place and their friends to observe that while there are many points raised by those userbase s we advance such pioneering work for, as well as others as well as those unable to grasp the literacies and thus a few did promote terrorist or extremist views by incident without understanding how input with best intentions nevertheless could push when at quantities the loss of leadership oriented enterprises that enable the progress of similar enterprises elsewhere.
The making into positive resolution instances which could then enter legal records is the primary point today for the motion hopefully without too much further delay to commence after industry backed intelligence could form advisory, this comes of a notion we after long term culture and practice may miss. For that demands do arrive without our understanding of larger contexts in differences as per specific items to be raised but never with aggression in a civil society as driven by many's hopes for being granted long term asylum, ie. sustenance, support, and benefits, we of delimited business can advance only insofar as that we are willing to not only begin in our studies to innovated criteria which we as leaders must discover ahead of others so could then we become leaders of ability who have been in the arena that includes affairs of the world.
For the purpose of being succinct, I will now suggest without promoting one or another, without even the consent of parties to whom connection may not reach for sometime yet, a few suggestions as per direction, which for being to intellectual dialog, can bear no guarantee whatsoever to time and energy to be expended within a sooner foreseeable period of time. It is within my appreciation that at this time, all able persons are at work over regular hours.
The considerations for us in digital enterprise, a frontier zone in even America where we have first taken roots, are so various right now due to commerce having become of what called by many in exaggeration "global", however the connotative and technical aspects of the academic term of "global" are as usual noted by fewer rather than more.
The might of polity is given in the substance of letting by nature to what then at culminating moments become of writ, and in corresponding too records, including legal records what to address, and also what effective in ink and paper to today's nomenclature of guidelines, policies, and even laws themselves.
So understanding this above, we are then to appreciate rather than contest in these times of emergency what present and in place which are available, never a single individual nor group, but what of established and even historical from which could be drawn the clues and the clauses that cannot synthesize with what small effort we write at a moment but rather add to resultant outcome sought using your own discovery and its outcomes.
Now, of the specific events we know of incidence but not affair and then this reason give our requirements for appreciating case. The incidence concerns what demonstrative could be selected from the field of events. Here, addressing the specific case requiring attention our own as soon as possible, those incidences already examined with files are those which could bear significance to the rescue of enterprise where the possibility of outcome agreeable with our utopian values could be shown not only this but then too reach as evidence that gives analysis of more such incidences comparable but not the same to the disclosure that the public is fidgeting for us to provide. What to affair is concerning the context, specifically to pandemic requirements, these are issued from longstanding cultural differences, yes, however such become of background after or post acknowledgment - such agreement cannot be ceded under the carpet until such time as unusual following do cede? So, the context concerns not only underlying differences possible to acknowledge but not resolve, a matter posing some obstacle, but also the spontaneous and unexpected which ought to be reduced to minimize risk which is related to upholding global systems, this last nearly incomprehensible to most. But knowing this much from mere notions very relevant of "incidence" and "affair", then the case becomes possible from the table of legal review by a properly formed advisory whose objective is to reach writ, the historically relevant outcome which must bear close and intimate relation with the well founded objective, criteria, history, innovative potential, system integrity, personnel and activities in place, and perhaps, even to the point of disclosure graded well.
Finally, out of respect for the advancement upon maintenance of the technical platform and all the talent working for and on the platform, here are a few points for the direction which earlier was promised. That the presentation to the public is pending many points of encounter never rising above security level for input is where we have accidentally shifted our focus beside the goal of innovation that builds as emission to be understood by elected technocracy to be upon the stability and progression into time by this larger system. Where possible, I continue to support this notion of deep intrnetworking that minds the geopolitical landscape primarily dependent on geographical delimitations. The presence of talent in every part of not only America but over most spans around the world that supports through illustrative support at minimum through proof of works in technology and content provision minding cultural differences including literacy is a point that proves our administrative services internal department continues to require major working processes and protocols to be instated with established polity administration in America that minds as well international relations including nuances to , still under the ad hoc lable not yet reaching exposition of the "pandamic" now (for reason actually pointed to in the previous post, the note likely said 'post on what meant by this new terminology of "pandemic"' rather than "we are now after pandemic whatever that means because you know what I don't care and I will commit to crime" People!). We can certainly expect that the undeveloped notion of "transparency" continues to subvert our intent to back disclosure mechanisms even though policies continue to be disregarded due to verbosity.
Just as like the development of technology, development of such a complex enterprise that can instantiate in one outcome so for disclosure through proper presentation to the public of our own, but also the public whatever, as per that the extents of the network remained out of forecast in the years when the popularity resulted only in the compounding of digits expanded, welll, we can aim for an experimental stage. With this if agreed upon, then negotiation with propaganda traditional, ie. posters, may be possible to advertise for an extendible term of time, after which a press release will be issued concerning our findings, our efforts towards resolution, projected timetable, societal contributions, petitions of support by the public, and so on. If very ambitious, perhaps we could even reach prototypic stages for this enterprise in the legal defense of the right to enterprise in America, as welll as rights to operate where users promote and utilize the platform without even fee.
A step back, the notion of legitimacy of course is to much relevance here. A digital computer and network based business based in America is like any other business, however incorporated, in America. It is entitled to all the rights and protections to any company, and where apt to be termed as a delimited company, this also. Certainly, such to a company, for instance, of the ninety fifties, that particular set of rights and protections provisioned to later companies can find precedence in legal records to that company which in the first few words addressed. It is very much of note that the history of American businesses operating beyond America does in actuality endure much due to the frontier nature of being with transections beyond the border. However, in that this platform continues to present its services from its utopian ideas where freedom is the ideal, but that this ideal is in sight where struggles were many to enable this value to be situated in ecosystems and ecologies built through the accumulation of more than at least half a century of legitimate and founded transections including that of the financial kind - that this enterprise is novel may be a lie to us here on the continent, however is not a lie to those who discover that amazing things also exist in the new world rumored to be impoverished by somebody or another from other countries or civilizations.
We cannot reach for completitude in legal enterprise to support all digital computer and network enterprises at once, and this would be a perimeter condition not addressed in the previous post.
As must be obvious, the previous post offered a scattering of points on a graph with infinite canvas style. The unstated intent is in fact to do with providing some conditioning for limits to be drawn onto what to be seen and observed in discovering objective, approach, towards strategy and goals. I will close here simply on the note that as to generate any adequate problematic, we do require ourselves to reach for accounts well described and qualified, however impossibility would emerge were that we become too ambitious and try to account "All" of whatever presents itself.
June 9, 2024
Here is some random notes which are copyrighted as soon as written so may not be appropriated given copyright laws in effect since the early 1900's at the latest with adjustments and amendments in the century that followed: **IE. Below "random" notes are of proprietary ownership and cannot be copied and modified nor even misinterpreted.
show formally how by tiering of the presentation to the public in nearby even if many processes and protocols but verifiable by transparency intent backed policies
experimental) prototypic stages projected date, )
legitimacy through considerations well described and qualified