Here are notes to expand on what appears to have been stolen from law advisory examining the unusual and consequential "take" of, recent: (Please see to it that notes and belongings including assets be returned and retreat away from the affected so for professional health practitioners to approach securedly)
“truth and accuracy of the public filings” (?) -actual, intact, to file and records -litigation concerns are too many -despite complications issued from entanglements and commitments, the reality of delays and losses due first originated as intellectual theft did accrue many more problems which became or do become consequential resulting in further losses -however, due functional status of the system to the legal entity name by business registration and incorporation through at minimal legal actuality upon transections which must be withheld from public viewing due trade secret regulations to ecosystem and business to the scale of “global”, immediate restoration that accrues less injury to delimited business and less liabilities is highly recommended. -additional comments issued here as upon ongoing works extraordinary related to what in-determining with public title “pandemic”: to circumvent further risks towards conflict, the protections offered by delimitation to business with source location in the raising of said business may be what to be on the table for dialog between stakeholders towards the defense of not only trade position, mechanisms whose design are held tightly within the trade, content security, right to authorship to releases for press, future developments to be within secured development, and finally and most importantly, the ability to restore such as name, url, and protections existent and projected.
insofar that spam were not to circulate causing disruptions and delays to the working of the private enterprise, that which is exemplary in principle and generic example may be provided towards guidelines to become with consideration of what pends in the preparation related to enforcement upon the principles with which these digital network based enterprises have been raised. the impossibility so thought by many without the cultural memory and practical experience to apprehend through nothing but casual use of digital platforms is not so much of some organized war effort, and has more to do with the very difficult presentation for apprehension. Errors of this type, it had been noted, reveal that the expansion rate of hard infrastructure that provides possibilities in exchange for many places where literacy and ability is not to standard per forecast to apprehend the finite and near in relevance within a vaster domain of data accessible for no obvious reason at once, that such could nevertheless receive civil policy investigation and examination - this enables calm and logical getting of whatever particular actual affecting adversely influence by directing parties and people in employment, in this complex problem. for many who partook in the regretable interruptions to normal and projected functioning from the much larger than expected userbase s, they were not with various which existed for those in the projected userbase. furthermore, the users including maliciously tending groups in large numbers were not with what required to gain computer and informational literacy as well as related literacies prior the availing of the www to populaces in the United States; simply, not all persons of the globe could have been included in the development networks where such unrealistic conditioning was and could always be the case. the supply of easy to play with toys in the form of small softwares should be removed, as reported, from the open www, but retained for analysis in their instances to enable statistics based survey upon regular tracing methods to identify how these "apps" were developed and to whom they are marketed.
despite that the scientific enterprise has been with our culture not only where it had risen in Europe but to the newer development of applying scientific research into external application in America and elsewhere, the ethical ground and expressed principles as well as proven history of social checks on not only the apprehension and publication criteria but also on the very difficult, ie. the approval and disapproval of subject to a scientist budding and the specific topics which could find discovery by individuals in their social context. To date, there are works published in the two centuries before which do not reach nor are they accessible simply due to what we simply loosely call "irrelevance" by common understanding that in context of times, circumstances, events, and realities by a majority, not all topics ought to receive attention. This is fairly distinct from censorship due to what of the "world" available to sight and what by the societies to knowledge and scholarship are not equivalent in semantic content or expressed reality at different times - this point is difficult to grasp nowadays but illustrates the fixedity of governance through laws developed on the outcomes by what just is understood in a democracy upon what unusual or injurious to a finite populace typically in history dwelling within national borders. that "methodology" was mentioned in the notes by an author, possibly requiring rescue however with extraordinary insight to this writer's intent on helping on this situation only per such request at this rapid response rate, critiques not only the terms to technological development and the condition of "enquiry" through what strangely is called "science", but also asks the question of what methodology will be revealed in our reciprocal gaze. Who are these people which early last century will never be observed directly by most living in our world which we dream to be towards utopia? From what cultural knowledge do they speak? Of what nature is their being in this life? By what civilizational basis is found by so many that their aggressive patterns were just? And lastly in this set of examples of what constitutes legitimate if very large questions, are they with the ability to understand the complexity of this particular enterprise (notes above). Understanding of course had never been to novel recovery or new placing to advanced learning, but that it ought to be an ideal is where the endeavor ought to commence.
it is to this writer's informed interpretation that the original author did imply there was a likelihood that a phrase lifted from perhaps multiple developers that "export of tweetfeed to file downloadable" was vastly misinterpreted to propagative effects, which later became an instrument of weapon in some kind of war related to information, never declared nor accepted by any nation-state to this author's knowledge, when it was used in illegal argument outside of court to appropriate not only a url already purchased or reserved but also the alphabet "x" or some other alphabet with similar visual aspects, which resulted in unnecessary conflict and violence. this matter of course is embedded in a larger context of events and players, but insofar as that the business is like an enterprise of its own with functionality intact with only minor issues, housing an immense set of mechanics engineered upon and with unbelievable talent, it must be noted here that legal action can be planned in coordination that list all observations, provide summary of analyses, offer resolution even only in direction, with attention to court proceeding possibilities in America but also where the platform provides extraordinary connectivity to many major figures of the world at large, with optimism, with great brotherhood and supporting like patronage by democratically minded everywhere, and many more items to be enumerated prior incidence of action like convening, such upon agreed upon premises and clauses to law and simply common understanding - the reversal of what causing injury as this, the theft of a skyscraper design structural sketch and the misappropriation of the meaning of an alphabet in these times defined by what called migrant condition as well as theft at one of the highest levels of the "technocracy", the reversal of damage possibly calculated by what unseen, it is the first step towards contributing to resecuring the network enabled by this business.
-- Ati
June 7, 2024 16:25 MT
reference: video delivered on the www, content pertains to, resolution of video poor, content evidently pieced together to resemble legally (not court related probably) given speech however evident to any trained eye are words drawn from notes written down for sole purpose of working towards document, file, or talk
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