202408180858 MT AB, TELEGRAPH to Norman
TELEGRAPH> August 18, 2024 Sunday. Architect “Norman Foster” who b4 2012 gifted a box of cigars for our Senior Architect.
Alert issuing post search team engaged for Your Safe Return to health and home. So notice for health, safety, and guaranteed rights ASAP to similar advanced positions like ourselves Architects from world beyond town. Critical status upon larger event here by intelligence now for understanding by Architects and associates, to reach call by City of Calgary to build mediary information layer to communicate to public diverse, I understand above as contents on your table prior missing. Myself, on this item since before the fifth month of the previous year in 2023. Additional items incl as discussed last year in cabinet or on desk. Ann
Letter Enclosed:
August 19, Twenty twenty four.
Dear Architect ‘Norman’,
A year transpired after the letter I sent to you other letters to whom but elder Vince where but achieved at the university and to Mr Branson Knight and Sir who did reply while the former replied too via iphone or similar only few weeks recent. Where your reply termed ‘bullheaded’ in fact did bounce here however old man is still an Architect but like his other significantly after these times, are both “looking forward to a car ride” today for the vie d’amour so still retains that which denied what renewed when why and how, life. Your strange approach to carry such a skyscraper trail behind you did give some insurance, yet another “charge” as the locals say hopefully did not laugh at the thought of ‘flat chicken on a stick” to lecture on this difficult All American subject, so that one continues to call me from where but while you are said to be sleeping, to your alarm, leaning towards a Y. So demographics mounting, this one architect brought about the trouble double in person (2) or (3) the trouble is newer vistas upon support by populaces, again, while you engage in romantic comedy pleasing only yourself, this written to papa’s disapproval. Clues and efforts and one team member of search team continues to signal um, while this one writing letter signal for the first time what heard presumed not, due “fat”ness (this hides a joke near for me but sardonic for you - two cigars only have been saved but aged how not known).
From world beyond town our manyhoods yet compatible to sociological condition by instance of contribution after the good doctor did appear as Andy Warhol for none but most feared hysteria yet again alarm me. As order makes the civilian stability yet to no risk insisted by yours truly immediate and small business to; your work per employment multiple again startling all but myself of course adjustment; were you aware of my writing that by Position must continue?
The British has no starting of what must insisted by you called retrospectively wit: errors are not but only with systematic guidance. Your peer now significant other to you have held perfect record but inside walls, presumably to be pointed at on television intrigued American with fingers however meant by those older folks on the verge of announcing retirement, Your little friends’ halos. If your intrigue by films can pause for rechecking Perfect Records guarantees the safe release to environment of many probability fields (you must know I took probability over two courses in college, with the same authorized grade, however ) - please concern yourself if it pleases you by Your Choice Only.
Why anybody imagines Architects superhuman the urgency of the day - if there were a spectrum between Intellect and Stupid, I believe this where explication by lecture due what questions posed to authorities hopefully safe, with choice, free, at duration received and comforted by what systemic arrangements I pass this in transfer to future me’s, who is the same one despite rumours wildly exaggerated, so…
Tomorrow, another letter.
Your friend still and in somewhat gratitude post quiet eyecontact between “Old Boys” in architettura ,
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