Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 Comment, Gare____

Literacy continues to be a global challenge with remarkable spikes which do not stay in suspended state as fortunately for us becomes a problem related to geographical land based issue, ie. foreign investors stay outside the circles of highly literate investors. Problem remains undercover but the dividends are let outside the collecting and raising to capital. The opportunity raised to be granted free understanding for the extreme demand to distribute investments to remote at far distance businesses unverifiable by national legal entities and then to too reach communication that enables the reading of this finding by the national audience does stay our hope to an extent for future markets to be possible at scale

Topical to what of the requirements of assigning perimeter conditions to market activity especially if newly formed yet organized transgressions reported to have forecasts in destructive pattern 

1-I believe that U.S companies might be growing and might have good cash flow but on the other hand U.S itself has reached 35.1$ trillion as its national gross debt amongst which 78% is held by the public which is the reason why investors are a little worried about the U.S economy. Companies might be surging but we also have to look at the macroeconomic factors like National Debt.

Resp. 20240603

 Per that informal casual calls by tens of million for a technical notion and verbal term called “collaboration” with a similar yet related term called “cooperation” at the dimension under discipline of Diplomacy, so the legal in actual applications would first be observed by leaders in recognized organizations including business registered with well accounted ongoing transactions to affairs and groups under or with agencies with proven record. That the explication through success over defined objectives by such does do from within the what fields, very fuzzy and probably large at first glance, this is justly how projects find their essential potential for action. Leadership implies that a smaller did find viewing and understanding such that not only are technical events rediscovered through invention but the reason and the goals are then to be of legal ownership by those in action towards collaborative parallelism as independent entities or projects.

2-Buying high quality bonds with duration is akin to investing in the SPX during the fall of 2008. Might still be early, but when you zoom out over a longer investment cycle, it was an excellent buying opportunity. These bonds could easily return 7%+ annually to their maturity.


If early investment is built on a larger inventory diversified not merely on purity as must move forward on better defined vectors, to also utilize generative methods to benefit from general market forecasts, the question posed by what raised from noneqivalence covered using geographical land based issues might only move towards better financial systems that start up and bud that “labors” inside the accredited markets higher stakes investors must steward.

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To Piotr, pls read to him with alternating Letter if immediately available from Papa - possible? Hope and Faith shall reign and stand to ends of the world

  202408191647 MT AB. To Piotr. Where confusion elsewhere what question what answer yet available years ago now in a summary pointed was del...