Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 Comment, Xerox, Calgary

Elevated for education to track onto futures of making is first admission of what learned throughout life, even the abilities of trying small and modest so fail fast is possible for a small biz and search by intuition so to lift from media what is necessary. Knowing a market welll goes before or present to material actuality type development. The other 75% of the work that makes it possible to run real biz either gets done or not gets done because the biz depends entirely on what you know. Very established establishments get taken down and nobody lost a single thing because they expended so much to insure much depending on their own front and offices. The city of Calgary’s diverse populaces through community organizing can in fact reach legal joining through demonstrations of success. Like an Expo - what did in fact leads up to such crowning event?

“Support new businesses”

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To Piotr, pls read to him with alternating Letter if immediately available from Papa - possible? Hope and Faith shall reign and stand to ends of the world

  202408191647 MT AB. To Piotr. Where confusion elsewhere what question what answer yet available years ago now in a summary pointed was del...