Friday, May 31, 2024

 $TELEGRAPH> RelayOn_ to Mr President Trump with TIMESTAMP

> MakePoint_ of An offer appears to be coming onto the table Sir to see whether your leadership at the national scale could find application personally and directly through examination of case data in fields and evidential propositions but to be confined to a folder: intention, design, selection, account, cross enquiry, submission to court, participation to court proceedings, - the market is being demanded in real time to condition government, this may have a window still open depending on interest expressed - peace or publis

Thursday, May 30, 2024

 from $TELEGRAPH early-testing "Informal-formal message to distinguished human beings from persons of regard with respect from societies"

To Mr A and Mr A: Pilots may rile in support: pls recover for insurance purposes your support for my continued service to country and state, and space, through my companies legitimate and western, as well by heads of states, and pilots from your early vesting through storytelling

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 Comment, risks against toy company Arduino

Welll, play in toys like Arduino original mission remains quite issued by many parents as of importance. Insofar as safekeeping legacy equipment, yes, that might be brought under current working classification of intellectual property. To cancel or sublate design exits the domain of sanity due to the unusual condition in lack of internal communication and tendency towards chaos by collective behavioral tendencies. Suppose how a social group would run is not enough without working experience and knowledge.

 Comment, Gare____

Literacy continues to be a global challenge with remarkable spikes which do not stay in suspended state as fortunately for us becomes a problem related to geographical land based issue, ie. foreign investors stay outside the circles of highly literate investors. Problem remains undercover but the dividends are let outside the collecting and raising to capital. The opportunity raised to be granted free understanding for the extreme demand to distribute investments to remote at far distance businesses unverifiable by national legal entities and then to too reach communication that enables the reading of this finding by the national audience does stay our hope to an extent for future markets to be possible at scale

Topical to what of the requirements of assigning perimeter conditions to market activity especially if newly formed yet organized transgressions reported to have forecasts in destructive pattern 

1-I believe that U.S companies might be growing and might have good cash flow but on the other hand U.S itself has reached 35.1$ trillion as its national gross debt amongst which 78% is held by the public which is the reason why investors are a little worried about the U.S economy. Companies might be surging but we also have to look at the macroeconomic factors like National Debt.

Resp. 20240603

 Per that informal casual calls by tens of million for a technical notion and verbal term called “collaboration” with a similar yet related term called “cooperation” at the dimension under discipline of Diplomacy, so the legal in actual applications would first be observed by leaders in recognized organizations including business registered with well accounted ongoing transactions to affairs and groups under or with agencies with proven record. That the explication through success over defined objectives by such does do from within the what fields, very fuzzy and probably large at first glance, this is justly how projects find their essential potential for action. Leadership implies that a smaller did find viewing and understanding such that not only are technical events rediscovered through invention but the reason and the goals are then to be of legal ownership by those in action towards collaborative parallelism as independent entities or projects.

2-Buying high quality bonds with duration is akin to investing in the SPX during the fall of 2008. Might still be early, but when you zoom out over a longer investment cycle, it was an excellent buying opportunity. These bonds could easily return 7%+ annually to their maturity.


If early investment is built on a larger inventory diversified not merely on purity as must move forward on better defined vectors, to also utilize generative methods to benefit from general market forecasts, the question posed by what raised from noneqivalence covered using geographical land based issues might only move towards better financial systems that start up and bud that “labors” inside the accredited markets higher stakes investors must steward.

 Comment, Xerox, Calgary

Elevated for education to track onto futures of making is first admission of what learned throughout life, even the abilities of trying small and modest so fail fast is possible for a small biz and search by intuition so to lift from media what is necessary. Knowing a market welll goes before or present to material actuality type development. The other 75% of the work that makes it possible to run real biz either gets done or not gets done because the biz depends entirely on what you know. Very established establishments get taken down and nobody lost a single thing because they expended so much to insure much depending on their own front and offices. The city of Calgary’s diverse populaces through community organizing can in fact reach legal joining through demonstrations of success. Like an Expo - what did in fact leads up to such crowning event?

“Support new businesses”

 Response, Pilots

Will any pilot support my ongoing persuasion to bring air travel back to five stars shall that per flight contract promoted with benefits and monies to this grade of the earlier flight of fantasia (src. zeppelin, Hindenburg /of photodocument.historical: pinterest)

US airlines have solved their pilot supply problem with industry leading contracts. Air Canada has chosen to cut Western Canadian routes instead.  #worldclasscontract #aircanadapilots #ALPAPilots @AirCanada

To Pilots previously at Pearson (2021), Thanq- Fun times- Next time will the bar be opened- Everything in the public zone approved- The dufflebag has torn near the wheels, I now have a Paris suitcase rollie- <202405291108)

To Nate, Helllo? <202405291108)

To Mr Pilot who dropped by, Hi <202405291108)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Response, Mr Bloomberg

At the risk of being stuffy like the detective from the old cartoon we at NMA cartoon development was to be seen again, what has to be recalled is not so much the proliferative generation of protocols and policies, as much as finding those coming out of attentioned selection. We are not going to chase after lost solutions because the rules get isolated in phrases to suffer random chaotic input. To figure what to find for termed trials will definitely require contracting with real benefits and compensation

“Need to overhaul the voluntary carbon market. The Biden administration's principles for building more transparent, responsible, and effective voluntary carbon markets”

 Response. Branson

I nearly accidentally misread your post to say “monster syndrome”. We around these here parts (heard you and associates received my letter talking about voyage) a doctor has discovered “guilty conscience stndrome (GCC)”, which stems at times from the id as well as ego acting up against the apparent but not final memories of what and when transpired actions against one’s will but nevertheless undertaken due to peer pressure, small greed, random sympathy, visceral desire to travel in a pack, etc. I look forward to seeing the sailing of your balloon as well as the entire duration of a rocket launch event. Did you hear of the call to purchase with goods and currency ie. at real trade, rockets from both and all sides in the Gaza and vicinity region? We should talk about that linkages trafficking of our amazing “weaponry”. In short, we need to start looking at stocking up and recruiting talent if we could rig up a brilliantly ordered air show for our peoples. Please let Dr T know I appreciate the guidance to my recovery along with the ECG - however, in Canada, confidentiality is suspect so feelings to both sides.

“Have you experienced imposter syndrome in your career? Here are some great tips on how to overcome it from two Virgin StartUp supported founders: https“

May 27, 2024

To Office of Embassy (Calgary or nearest)

RE: topics under concern

The acquisition of means in Canada specific to Calgary has been frought with impossibilities due 

unusual actions related to corruption against the smaller effective actions we call good due to the 

migrant condition.  Expectations are that offices remain standing throughout complicated problems 

which receive resolution only when able individuals lead and direct, but at times also through 

community effort that discover a “win” through relentless effort.

Security today is at the desk of every able intelligent human being working in the West.  I am unable to 

comment at once how to see about this continentally in Canada or in America only at a given moment’s 

notice, despite that such has been called for by me personally since before graduating magnum cum 

lauda at Cornell (University) 2005.  Values in agencies coming online to counter the realities that for 

the present duration, the immediate demand for all hands on deck, expressing interest through self 

directed activities and examining the issues possible for one’s disposition to discover actual roles for 

the positive resolutions so tracked into the present by American history is that decisive moment where 

steps are made towards ultimate triumph, guaranteed by faith and history.

The notion that travel and place remains necessary for those of us actively engaged in affairs beyond 

one locale is a problem not only dealt with here.  The correct actions are known to me to have been 

undertaken by many Americans, yet many remain without awareness could be a question that becomes 

of reality were that disinformation by                not countered.  Transit is necessary and viable where 

itinerary and security of home have been considered.  That word has reached many individuals by my 

personal experience of “Home” as this agenda is uplifting, while the extraordinary efforts of those at 

pressure unseen before to uphold, to continue, to promise a future or futures, that these would continue 

to press into their own                                           to contribute to larger cause of security, home, future, 

work, and most importantly, friends met and not yet met, is where I personally discover the elixer of 


If we were to consider all those away from home, as we are just next door but a little distance away 

from the border we remember, so far away, so immediate amidst the pictures we had seen before unable 

to remove themselves even if at cost of the ultimate for an individual, we can see that the cirriculum for 

the next decades should be to enable an avenue home.  This I put the working title “Resettlement 

Bureau.”  A document is associated with this project, now misplaced it seems to me, and is seeking 

return if your office has a copy – it was on a usb stick left behind on a public computer at the old 

central library in downtown Calgary around 2013.

The encounter with                                                    office was via the web, when I also noticed that the 

         project was resultant from foreign meddling, aiming to open source a document for registration 

of important corporate efforts, which was in reality a deep phishing attempt.  Concurrently, I alerted a 

clerk working in legitimate security to travel at                         that the                            office associated 

website had been taken over by another phishing scam, possibly to more immediate effect by                 .  

That risks for war type conflict are no longer managed properly through direct actions in diplomacy for 

that the requirements of continuance into the future as well as the demands of reaction to conflict is a 

problem to which we must posture in counter.

Due advanced position in more than one field, I understand that I qualify for both          and               

Visa, in addition to having at hand or just beyond citizenship documents safely kept since prior my 

return in year 2001.  Any of these options will be functional and sufficient for business travel after 

November 2024, this date provided to the Government of Canada.  Next locations in destination on 

itinerary, for me, have special requirements due to a web based social network worm threatening my 

life.  As the sun must rise the next day, the idea that I will not work simply due to some trivial threat is

 as foreign as beings that look like a scribble that talks and give extensive tips and advice and speeches 

on demand.

The thought did occur to me to “submit” a working file with which I am considering how to manage 

my travels, but due unusual amounts of piracy, I expect your office has already seen it.  I also 

considered submitting a curriculum vitae, but the frank (as in memetic slightly a month or two ago) 

admission is that my recall suffers due to work stress.  Perhaps a list of things done in the last short 

while, so here are twenty lines from a log I endeavor to keep:

20240518     tip provided and request-ASAP,                          : Paris, policymaking global 

    reach coordinating, connect          - New York City (news?); choice,

    expedite return of contributor to Paris Agreement

20240518     response given added suggestions                 : to address west coast subjected to,

    “reverse flow” on digital tech global to America, tech to potential not reached

20240518     meeting initiated, concerns from Europe - today nearly one year of arrival

    of a                                                                                                          ,

    in Europe; reported associated with calls for war

20240519     followup from brief chat from previous day, accounts on record wage increase

    with/out reach to                                    a matter to law and courts - item also

    city of Calgary suspected rel. deaths of                 arriving recent decade..

    receiving                        2023 to present

20240519     Meeting, re “despot question” upon “American military affairs global, Europe”

    added, “                            ” issue prior, reported deprecated (`Heideggerian

    notions on ‘foreign powers’”)  —additional content from Europe? 2023 agenda


20240524     Contact attempted via university offices, concerns Documents of Value for

     , legal Documents of Value to records at Law School,

    writings review; circumstances re local to architecture professor; personal


20240526     Messaging

            Response (1): contact referal successful

This letter was to be posted on a channel of my own, however due to problematic arrival, I will see now 

whether another channel is available.

Thank you.

Ann Lee

.add 20240530

@adultswim I think this could b a char on tv. "a scribble that talks and give extensive tips and advice and speeches on demand". (ref. MIB. src. testcsspad.blogspot) Meatball featured on socks by McDonalds (deep navy blue). Did you in GA see the Confetti McFlurry party as welll?

Saturday, May 25, 2024

To All Citizens: Please answer the following problem by adding exposition to a maximum of one page for the chance to win a spot on the League of the Able (Canada only)

 "Upon the leadership continuance entranced over so called universal theory, some pretense to presume singularity of consent by masses emulsion like, through what portal to renew the commitment to Infrastructure appease all citizens, residents, honored guests, and friends: infer now from this brief to be cyclical note from Your Big Brother such importance as counsel deemed yet known by public all said correct for low not truth and her accounts, sic the googuglian papers with ink already did spoke for I am not one but together with the rights, powers, privileges and emoluments unto the said office, place and trust of right and by law appertaining during Our Pleasure."

"note from Americans in Calgary for city, nation(, world)"

 May 25, 2024

Call: Expressions of Interest Welcomed?

Questions for LYRA's consideration for presentation or referal do persist for some
members that led to the idea that there may yet be interest in the club
for thinking towards putting together a meeting or two to discuss whether resources today available
at this location to support projects of value to American Canadian interest.

The review possibility was in the realm of possibility pending on many factors beyond present resources
and member interest, insofar as the migrant condition did displace long-term commitment
to hospitality and civic engagement with friends to Calgary and Alberta's communities,
efforts to recognize the reality of years of donations to newer arriving some in large groups
have become dotted with obstacles after American monies transferred were subjected to private profiteering
premeditation, now under investigation by more than one policing agency.

Very special interests as future commitments based on historical friendship
between Canada and America led to missions including diplomacy intended ones
to begin to find commencement efforts for prioritization but not to the damaging of existing current agenda
developed within nation, bilaterally, as well as from agreements and convening
based on tacit understanding between those supporting peace and trade internationally.

Amidst the jumbo of many voices, events, disruptions, efforts to maintain, efforts to sustain,
work towards order, and queries amongst many parties with substantial and sometimes historical investments,
the club of LYRA, started in 2022 local time, is here remarking that attention should
never cause injury amongst our own, but rather seek to restore the condition of trust
between friends and family, by that here in Alberta,
as in America,
belief is foremost for independence and freedom.

With gratitude to those of Calgary and Alberta's communities,
let the club's wishes be upheld that requests and questions be from realities of order
and be set into letters in writing
and that they be come of love and care towards peace rather than challenge and confrontation.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Carbon-copy, LTR: introduction Care-of: LYRA Calgary

 May 25,2024 MT AB posted dated

To my Acquaintance, 

Hello, I am most delighted to be with information about my own businesses starting up. After more than thirty years in design, focusing early on in concept discovery, inspired by beauty and research, as well as in project carry over term of time lasting often from under a year to persisting into the present towards the future for some projects, a small firm in design of my own is being fostered. More recently, developments through understanding the power of law and language has also come within the studio abilities. Projects include works in architecture of the traditional kind, proposals and materials available for reference for digital developments by Silicon Valley and vicinities, as well as information media. While ambitions lie small, engagements with industries’ top workers have provided opportunity to explore and learn about the building of worlds. Community investments remain large as priority for study as welll as for experimental thought, while discourse continues to be basis for intellectual achievements. While the firm, to be registered and to find proper bookkeeping, and further, to discover associates and publication opportunity, will likely remain small rather than follow the hyper currents of our times, the dream to contribute to the emergent discipline and hopefully industry of design will stay on the horizon. I have two other businesses, one registered in NYC in Space and Earth specializing in logic, and a pet biz called Sticks, Stones, and Handkerchiefs. I hope you are agreeable to my introduction, which can be extended upon request for feedback and information. I think I did hear excellence mentioned for your work in California. Thank you for meeting with me and enabling my attendance of Banff Venture Forum, after which a proposal for a smaller skyscraper complex was let into publicizing by an executive current in discovering unicorns. Please approach me any time. This phone requires prearrangement for receiving at times, but not always. Thank you again. 



Architects fine But looking for Norman: Files recovery sought

"i read this statement allegedly by the photograph from Mr Clinton: “I was like a red state to the person Vince and Foster was committed to” hmmhmmhmm. and something about “a fake death to see whether this person’s files would come online but now everything is missing”, further, “i did not do it, the press would at least… but nothing happened at all” o i c. welll, in any case, Do Not Disturb sign is on permanently on that person’s door. we have to figure out that architects continue to require social media support - can anybody provide a clue as to this “secret library” probably guarded by a few individuals as an index file, can we architects see these files in correspondences, memos, notes, drawings, journals? Leave us architects alone. Also, a rumor that because Chinee called President Clinton President Lincoln in the translation, the man is plotting to grow carrots in his yard somewhere in rural country. Norman, please respond - your people are sending an SOS! Where are you!? AMBER ALERT Norman Foster"

Thursday, May 23, 2024

 Just upon a verge the popular consciousness drift over the reeling moment when we also discover the ancient mechanism of a computer for astronomy dated to before Christ. Reform has been historical in the well founded events which had been the exceptional. Artists certainly do attend closely to everything when they could welll sleep or strive towards greatness, yes even in these here parts called “backwards”. It is when opportunists who discover themselves without duty that flow free but to be with the thought of freedom to provoke and compel requires a great rationale in deed. Art explores, a new reality uncovering the notion of waste, somewhere, sometime, but not in the land of dinosaurs. Not to detract from the common strife, but where disregard leads directly to injury is where those injured and dead while serving civic duty prior pay and compensated deserves all our moments of silence and prayer.

In response to the unrealized by anonymous thrown forward by irrational mob against renowned firm and architect

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

file-sorting . desk . TAX SYSTEM REFORM

RESPONSE twitter 202405221526 MT AB

mmhmm. excuse me, but all the VoterIDs are taxpayers - when can we start on sorting and organizing / appearance, so that we can desk the submissions of documents proving citizenship towards tax system reform. pls send to the working man. here one local i find suspicious

NEWS UPDATE. The world's seventy-seven years during peacetime course correction by the two superpowers reported to be discovering anew the potential of tacit cooperation via smaller project of disinformation risk management. -iA

Do you agree with Elon Musk saying all 50 states should mandate Voter ID for the 2024 elections? YES or NO? If YES, I want to follow you back! 🇺🇸


To Piotr, pls read to him with alternating Letter if immediately available from Papa - possible? Hope and Faith shall reign and stand to ends of the world

  202408191647 MT AB. To Piotr. Where confusion elsewhere what question what answer yet available years ago now in a summary pointed was del...